Monday, December 28, 2009

Islamabad hosts educational workshop on traditional crafts

A series of workshop demonstrating a variety of specialized craft by connoisseur artists was hosted in Heritage Museum Islamabad on March 31.

The event whose first session started off with block printing and paper mache technique will continue till April 7.

Assisted by Cosmos Productions, the ‘Artisan workshops on skills training’ has been organized by Lok Virsa under its museum educational program.

Subject for the following sessions will be wax printing, wood carving, pottery, embroidery, lacquer work, and weaving.

These fabulous workshops aim to revive traditional skills by making the youth aware about the beauty of long-standing culture and practices.

The session on block printing and paper mache will be taken over by Ameer Bukhsh from Karor Pacca and Zulfiqar Ali Ghazi from Kashmir respectively.

Lahore is one of the biggest commercial centers for block printing and the art is known to depict animals, birds and floral patterns in arched frames and involve the use of traditional color combinations peculiar to the decorative style of Moghul tiles and paintings.

Bloch printing still remains as the only contemporary textile medium which retains its dependence on natural dyes.

Paper mache on the other hand, displays exquisite miniature designs and motifs on various articles like masks which are painted with vibrant colors, depicting intricate foliage patterns, natural scenery and hunting scenes and meticulous craftsmanship.

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